How it's work?

ThingLinker provides a platform to control and monitor your IOT device. using this platform you can do more focus on hardware designing instead of worrying about visualization and controlling platform.

How to use ThingsLinker platform

Watch this video to complete setup

1. Download ThingsLinker Library
  1. Go to Github and download the ThingsLinker library.
  2. Go download folder extract that file.
  3. Paste ThingsLinker library in the Arduino library folder.
  4.  Import ThingsLinker library in your project.

2. Download ThingsLinker App

You can use the ThingsLinker Android app, Website.

  1. Download the Android app in the Google play store.
  2. Use ThingsLinker Website.

3. Setup ThingsLinker App

  1. Register account.
  2. Create Project.
  3. Go inside the project.
  4. Select widgets like On/Off Button and others.
  5. Select virtual pin like V1, V2 and others.
  6. Click Auth Token menu item.
  7. Send project auth token to your register email address or copy project auth token.
  8. Paste auth token to your arduino code.

4. Setup Arduino Code

  1. Import ThingsLinker arduino library.
  2. Paste Project auth token.
  3. Setup your wifi/hotspot ssid and password.
  4. Setup virtual pin in arduino code.
  5. Manage LED On/Off conditions.
  6. Run your project and control your device using

    ThingsLinker app.

    Hope you Enjoy using ThingsLinker platform.

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